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When creating new website designs I always reach the point where I need an extensive font collection to enable me to experiment with different headline and body combinations. When coding the design into the browser I often use Google Fonts, this gives me a vast array of fonts to choose from, all of which are also free to use and download! Take a look and download some of my recently used sans-serif fonts which are compatible with Google Fonts and let me know some of your favorites.

Yanone Kaffeesatz

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

Droid Sans

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

Josefin Sans

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

Open Sans

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

Poiret One

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

Quattrocento Sans

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

Advent Pro

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

News Cycle

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts

PT Sans Narrow

25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts


25 Hand Picked Sans-Serif Google Fonts